Mobile field service software: 5 tips to make the move

Mobile field service software: 5 tips to make the move

We’ve already written a couple of times in this blog about the importance of adopting a mobile field service software for your maintenance company. Turning into a paperless office allows you to save in stationery and also in storage space (say bye-bye to those old file cabinets!). What’s more, you can also save tons of time by automating a bunch of tasks.

Another additional advantage of mobile field service software is the integration of your daily work routines into a fully mobile workflow. With the help of cloud-based software and mobile devices, both technicians at the field and employees in the office are always in touch, and have access to real-time updated info anytime, anywhere.

Changing to a truly mobile way of working can dramatically improve your way of doing business in many areas – from the service you offer to your customers to the profits you’re making right now. But, how do you know which mobile field service software to choose? Which is the best one for your company? Mobile technology is one of the fastest evolving areas in the world, so whether you’re just starting out or developing your digital strategy, you should make this choice very carefully.

Luckily for you, here at Synchroteam we know quite a lot about the topic… and we’re willing to lend you a hand.

Being developers of a field service software with support for mobile devices and cloud-based workflows, the Synchroteam crew knows which are the key points you must pay attention to when choosing the right mobile field service software for your business. Don’t miss any of them!

Key points in mobile field service software

Possibly the most important point is ease of integration. You don’t have to turn your whole working system upside down, all at once. Try to choose a mobile field service software that can be adapted to the tools you’re currently using, adding new features to them and expanding their possibilities.

Once you’ve chosen the definitive mobile field service software, implementation should be as quick as possible. If you can, aim at having the solution up and running in days, not weeks. Thus your team will get used to it more quickly, and you’ll start to enjoy its advantages even sooner.

Needless to say, the solution you choose should be as easy to use as possible. If it’s too complicated, technicians won’t feel like using it, and will end up finding workarounds or totally ignoring it. The easier to use, the quicker their adaptation to the new system will be.

Another key element in your mobile field service software is the ability to update it. It should be able to keep up with the development of new technologies in mobile, and also with the launch of new mobile devices. Nobody wants to use a tool that becomes obsolete just one or two years after implementing it.

Last, but not least, the key element in mobility is the anytime, anywhere. Make sure the solution you choose allows you to access any important information, no matter where you are or which device you’re using, as easy as possible.

Synchroteam is among the top 20 most affordable, most user-friendly field service software tools. It features great flexibility, supports mobile devices and cloud-based workflows, and offers a great customer support service. What’s more, you can even try it right now with the free demo!

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