Month: November 2018

New Synchroteam 50 released – now with real time notifications

New Synchroteam 50 released – now with real time notifications New Synchroteam 50 released - now with real time notifications

One of the key elements in any field service business is the ability to keep in touch with customers. Communication contributes to creating trust between the company and the customer, and enables you to provide an even better service. This is why in Synchroteam we’ve been working hard in the new version of our software, […]

Customer support: 5 ways to create loyal customers

Customer support: 5 ways to create loyal customers Customer support: 5 ways to create loyal customers

Customer support is one of the key elements in your company’s success, and it will still be in 2019. Creating loyal customers should always be among your new year’s resolutions for your business, because it’s something which all HVAC companies strive for, and what makes some of them stand out of the rest – and […]

Dispatch software and HVAC technicians

Dispatch software and HVAC technicians

Dispatch software can be really helpful in managing your HVAC company, but there’s something it cannot replace: human interaction, that is, the relationship between your customers and the technicians in your team. Thanks to the integration of technology in the HVAC field, technicians are now more ready than ever when it comes to go out […]